Dried Material
We supply a dried material that can be used for the construction of synthetic pitches, we specialise in material for synthetic and all weather pitches, we have a new purpose built plant to produce this sand.
All our sand is tested weekly and these tests are available at all times. All our products have been CE Marked and Certified.
The Sand People.
Many methods and materials have been used for golf green construction in times gone by, but particularly since the last 20 years, when the first U.S.G.A. greens were constructed here in Ireland.
We have been at the forefront of new developments throughout Ireland and are the sand company that meets the demand of architects and superintendent who contribute to achieving such high stands on our courses.
A good root zone is the baseline for quality greens but it is critical that a proper layer of thatch develops to provide resiliency and good putting qualities before opening new greens for play-ability.
This has constantly been achieved by Darcy root zone mixes time after time, producing the quality materials required for U.S.G.A requirements.
Advantages to using our root zones:
* Meets all USGA guidelines
* Custom blended to meet your exact specifications
* state of the art blending facilities ensures precise mixes.
* Consistent particle size.
* Better infiltration rates
* Ability to add nutrients to the mix to enhance growth
* Ability to hold nutrients needed.
Top Dressing Sand
This has come to be a major part of the golf course superintendents maintenance program in recent years, with the continued improvements in the golf presentations the top dressings of fairways has become more evident in clubs from year to year.
We are supplying fairway sand to many of the top championship golf courses in Ireland and the benefits have been seen in such clubs as “The K Club” and “Carton House” of the standard that can be achieved on golf courses during the winter months.
Advantages of using Darcy top dressing sand:
* Superior quality, Consistent texture to ensure long term play-ability.
* Brushes in easily, for less disruption in play.
* Meets USGA top dressing specification.
* Contains no soluble salts and has a 7.0ph * High silica content makes sand hard and weather resistant
* Dried material available.
* Particle sizing allow good water filtration and percolation.
* Sub angular grain shape gives greater pore space and less compaction.
* Adequate water holding capacity promotes quality turf grass growth.
* National distribution.
* Consistent sand source ensures consistent quality over the long term.
* Holds Nutrients longer.